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And Still I See the Good…

I look like a Dr. Seuss character, yes… and I hope it brought a smile or chuckle to your face ☺️

I had an exchange on TikTok over the last couple of days with someone who didn’t believe that there was such a thing as safe space. We both came to agree to disagree and sent each other much love and compassion for where we are on our journeys.

He mentioned that he had the awareness to not trust people and to inherently think that people are evil. He didn’t say that that directly but in so many words that was the underlying tone. I read this as his assumption that I didn’t have experience in losing trust with people or being hurt by people. That couldn’t be more far from the truth.

While I share the darkness that I sit with on here, I also haven’t shared the depths of the darkness that I have experienced- Being physically betrayed by a friend, being attacked by a loved one with a mental dis-ease, cheated on by a partner, belittled by loved ones, and even myself with thoughts of taking this life away…

And like Maya Angelou says, “and still I rise.” [her words & legacy live on which is why I use the present tense]

I still believe people are inherently good. I know this because I too have hurt people along my journey. I didn’t do it from a place of malice, rather a place of hurt- a place unsure how to feel my feelings and process what was going on - within me and around me… I know more now and am able to forgive myself, ask for forgiveness, forgive others, and continue to see the inherent good.

Is it always easy? No… AND it’s getting easier each time I choose to change the story from “what an asshole” to “what a hurt little kid there must be in that body” or “what pain they must be experiencing for them to be projecting that.” And still, do no harm, take no shit.

Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about on the outside. The more compassionate we are to ourselves, the more we allow forgiveness and growth, the more we disrupt old patterns and make changes to our story, the sweeter life gets.

If you need help seeing pass the darkness and finding the light, you know where to find me. I love you 💕

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