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Be Better

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

This poem and post was inspired by two groups of people - 1. those that have called people names or shamed people for not getting the vaccine - assuming that everyone who doesn't get the vaccine is "dumb" or not smart enough to research on their own from viable sources; and 2. those who "hold the line" as Dr. Brett Jones has referred to - advocating for health freedom, naatural immunity, and choice.

"Be Better"

You’ve called me stupid.

You’ve called me dumb.

You’ve called me names

Say I’m the foolish one.

I don’t question your choice

I don’t tell you what to do

I allow you your space

To figure what’s best for you.

If you don’t take that space

The choice is yours

But you have the choice

And that’s what I stand for

You’ve said I’m a conspiracy theorist

Without ever saying it to my face

You don’t even know who you’re calling names

When you put it on your page

Did you know that if you looked

At all the research

You would see

You’re being fed a narrative

And you’re choosing to believe

It fits your story

It fits your life

It fits staying in your comfort zone

But the truth of the matter

Is what you don’t see

Because you didn’t even look at the oppose

And it’s not even an opposing side

It’s the full breath of research

For thats the beauty of science

You test all sides

Now the news and media -

We’ve known who they serve

The companies that pay them

To play their commercials

The companies that pay campaigns

So laws can help them cover up their intentions

Their initiatives

To keep you sick and in pain

It keeps their pockets big

They keep their yachts and homes

While you call me dumb Or selfish

Saying I just watched a YouTube video alone

What you’re actually doing

Is Playing into the divide

Because you’re doing what you say I am

If you don’t look at all the sides

From research

From history

researchers, doctors, and more

And if you knew me,

You’d know that my love & curiosity

Run to the depths galore

I love you,

No matter what you choose,

But be careful with your words.

For like kids say,

What you say,

actually sticks to you, for the birds.

So what do you wanna do?

Do you want to continue to call people names

Shame them for their choice?

For looking at all the sides

The history and the signs

And stand up with their voice

For research shows

We would need more time

For an actual effective shot

For the limited time

And limited tests

It doesn’t account for a lot

My rhyming ends here for the rest to be shared is more science and backed by facts.

And I don’t want to take away from the severity of it, for it’s done been time to act.

The Toltec wisdom describes love as empowering, not worrying. We trust the person we love to make the best decisions. A worry or to think less than is a projection of our own fear or insecurity. I share these because I understand the fear, I love you through it, and I hope to always empower you to look deeper, go beyond the surface.

I’m not anti-one or the other but I am pro-health. I admit that a lot of my focus has been how to not get sick or how to not be in dis-ease and I have been very grateful to be surrounded by people who are focused on actual health. And so my focus and the words that I choose moving forward are to be in alignment with health. With that the following is research that shows how to optimally be healthy while also looking at and sharing why I choose not to be vaccinated. Our bodies are magnificent and powerful and our minds and energy are even more powerful. Also below you’ll find resources to be healthy.. real healthy, not just surface level healthy. Mind, body, and soul/energy healthy.

Research & suggestions for bettering your health:

Please listen to or read the following podcast episodes:

Top 2 co-morbidities with those severely impacted by C19 are obesity and stress-related disorders/anxiety - both symptoms than can be managed/fixed within months through food, exercise, & holistic health practices (see below for suggestions). Other top co-morbidities (hypertension, diabetes) are also reversible through diet, exercise, and holistic health practices like meditation.

94% of deaths with COVID had 3-4 comorbidities (many of which are epidemics in the US like diabetes, hypertension, & obesity - which are the epidemics we should really be fighting).

Another factor for those who had worse symptoms had lower levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D affects our immunity. How much vitamin D you absorb depends on how well you’re hydrated. Many of us don’t drink enough water (at least your half body weight but in ounces) so our absorption isn't optimal of the little vitamin D many people get (through food or sun exposure).

Also, your gut bacteria immensely affects your immunity. If you’re not eating foods that contribute to your gut flora, while you may seem healthy on the outside, your gut is not, which means your immunity is poor. Eat pre & probiotic foods like kimchi, eat organic (otherwise you’re just putting more chemicals like glyphosate in that destroys your gut). If you eat meat, buy grass fed / pasture raised / humanely raised (because those antibiotics that they pump those animals with otherwise are now being consumed by you & antibiotics also kill your gut flora).

Also, C19 affects lung tissue. Our tissue is made up of the foods we eat- again, going back to the importance of eating whole foods especially vegetables like broccoli and taking out processed foods and refined sugar (especially fast foods & corn syrups).

Nitric oxide & oxygen - also affect our immunity (especially given that original strain of C19 impacted the lungs so heavily). You can increase your nitric oxide through 1) breathing through your nose (it’s your first layer of defense in your immunity & also connected to your gut biome), and 2) doing breathwork like the Wim Hof method.

THESE SUGGESTIONS ARE NOT JUST WAYS FOR YOU TO AVOID C19- that shouldn’t be the goal- the goal is to be HEALTHY… actually fully healthy.

Survival rate in purely looking at the numbers of deaths versus survived (~99%) is higher than the actual “effectiveness” of vaccines (76-95%).

For context with the vaccines and why I am choosing not to get one:

The 3 companies in the US that have been approved for emergency use injections have the following history-

Pfizer & J&J have paid billions of dollars in settlements for deaths and disease that their drugs have caused, after being FDA approved.

The FDA gets at least 45% of their funding from fees paid by pharmaceutical companies while the other 55% is provided by the federal budget. Who's interest do you think they have at heart?

Moderna has never had an FDA approved vaccine before (and technically still hasn’t).

Pfizer was found to have illegally tested drugs on children in Nigeria.

Multiple of them have been found guilty of fraud, of which Pfizer paid the largest health care fraud settlement & largest criminal fine.

More facts about the vaccines:

The viral loads of those with the injection and those without are the same. Someone who is unvaccinated does not have a greater risk of transmitting/passing C19 to someone else. The risk is the same.

Efficacy & effectiveness of a vaccine are different. Absolute risk vs relative risk. The absolute risk effectiveness is less than 1% (ie “in the wild” effectiveness) vs the 95% relative risk (ie in the lab/test groups who are healthy subjects, not with underlying conditions).

The injection defense lasts at least 6 months (from the limited research we have) while natural antibodies from mild symptoms can be stored in bone marrow for a lifetime ( ).

Also, vaccines in the past - like that for polio or rubella- went through YEARS of trials and research. The vaccine for polio was finally created 47 years later. (

Also, we are 7 billion people on the planet- vaccines are not a sustainable approach to this. Our approach to health is… and the research supports that.

FOCUS ON GOOD HEALTH rather than the absence of it… rather than on disease.

So with ALL this information in front of you- what do you choose?

Health practitioners/advocates/additional resources:

Shawn Stevenson, The Model Health Show, Independent researcher & author

Dr. Rhonda Patrick, longevity & optimal health

Dr. Mark Hyman, functional medicine

The Source Chiropractic in Oakland, Tuscon, Denver, & coming soon to St. Petersburg

Life Force Chiropractic in SF, Pleasant Hill, & coming soon to Salt Lake City (with remote Reiki healing & consultations available).

Rebecca Cates, LAc, bodyworker & acupuncturist in Oakland

Phil Settels, Acupuncture and Chinese herbalist in Sacramento & Oakland with remote consultations available

Cymbiotika for supplements

Onnit for supplements

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