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I'm Not the Elephant in the Room

Everyone talking around me

Arguing & fighting

No one talking to me

Wasn’t quite gaslighting

It was as if I got to see everything

And hear all the stories in between

But no one talked to me

Like I wasn’t being felt, heard, or seen

“She’s only 5. She’s only 6.

She won’t know what’s going on.”

But I carried the weight

I watched the pain

I heard it all along

How different life might be

If someone had pulled me aside

Talked to me like I was an adult

Not just trying to get by

Peter Crohn once said

If it was meant to happen

It would've happened that way

So there’s a lesson here

And something I need to say

That experience helped shape

The lessons I’ve learned in life

To understand power

Of so many things

Like music, connection, and spite

Being spiteful of people

And casting blame on them

Versus learning a lesson from here

The experience and what it taught us

Not giving into the fear

For fear breeds jealousy

Fear breeds victimhood

And I no longer want any part of that

I want what’s best for the greater good

The greater good of my Self

The greater good, no strife

The greater good of humanity

The greater good of all life

Life as in existence

How we’re all living together

On this planet

In this universe

It can and will get better

But let’s go back to that little girl

Who took on all that pain

It’s time to put it down

Let it go

And let joy run through my veins

Take all that I learned

From being the observer

And learning about so much

From dynamics to trauma

To connection

It doesn’t really stop

This existence is fluid

This life is but a dream

A dream within a dream

A waking life, you see

So be the observer

Look at life from above

Bird’s eye view

Higher standards

In life and in love

Take on the four agreements

And use them to live your best life

Have integrity

Don’t take things personally

Those are the first steps to take in stride

The next to build up from the first

Don’t make assumptions

Always do your best

And a new life is rebirthed

While I held onto those stories

Of being a savior for so long

They taught me a lot about saving myself

And that I am capable and strong

Stronger that I realize

Capable of more than I hoped

For all the things I did

And all the things I learned

They didn’t leave me broke

My heart is full

My lived experienced is plenty

Keep having fun

Keep sitting with the work

And the abundance and blessings are many

For life is yin and yang

There’s always a little in each

With bliss comes a bit of pain

And with pain comes a little sweet peach

Not a fan of peaches?

That’s ok

Choose whatever your sweetness is

But know that at some point

Your taste buds can change

And the balance of life will live

In the changing

In the growing

In the evolution of it all

So bask in being the observer

And know that it’s ok to fall.

Just get back up

Like you took a charge

Learn for the next time

Now go live life large.


Not everyone's experience is the same, and we all have our own healing journeys. While this poem was quick, my healing journey has taken all sorts of twists and turns over the last 30 plus years. This doesn't even address the trauma inherited from my ancestors, including my parents, but they all make up who we are - no, they do not define us but they do build us. What we learn from those experiences, how we integrate them into our life, and how we evolve from them - that's what this life is about. It's not about holding onto things, it's about the evolution. If you're not ready to let go of a story you've told yourself for so long, that's ok, but if that story is holding you back from experiencing the fullness of this life, it might be time to re-evaluate. If you need help in seeing things differently, need a new perspective, it can be simple or difficult, it all depends on how much you identify with the story or with the past. You are the writer of your story though - so what do you want it to say? What do you want it to become?

As always, I'm here to be of service - reach out if you need a guide

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